Academic Publications
Here is a list of my academic publications in English, French, and Italian. Feel free to download PDF copies of all my published work. If you are interested in forthcoming material, you are more than welcome to send me a request here. Enjoy!
Anfosso, M. Forthcoming (monograph). “Entwining Greek with Asian Speech.” Studies on Timotheus of Miletus’ The Persians.
––––. In submission. “’Godlike Askanios, from Faraway Askania’, or the Anatolian Connection of an Eponymous Hero.”
––––. In press. “Ritual Speech in the Neo-Phrygian Funerary Curse Formulae.” Castalia. Papers in Indo-European Religion, Mythology and Poetics (ed. Massetti, L.). Leiden: Brill.
––––. In press. “Between Lydia and Phrygia: the Case Study of Kelainai.” Between Sardis and Gordion: Aspects of Culture and Society in pre-Hellenistic Lydia and Phrygia (ed. Oreshko, R.). Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.
––––. 2022. “Remarks on the Neo-Phrygian Funerary Curse Apodosis με δεως κε ζεμελως κε Τιη τιττετικμενος ειτου.” Phrygian Linguistics and Epigraphy: New Insights (eds. Adiego, I., Obrador-Cursach, B.). Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. Anfosso_2022_Remarks_On_The_Neo_Phrygian_Funerary_Curse_Apodosis
––––. 2021. “Un soldat phrygien qui parle grec dans l’armée perse : Timothée de Milet, Perses, v. 140-161.” Beyond All Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium B.C. (eds. Payne, A., Wintjes, J.). Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Series. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 45–71. Anfosso_2021_Un_Soldat_Phrygien
––––. 2021 “Les inscriptions néo-phrygiennes : une revendication d’identité ethnique.” Constructions identitaires en Asie mineure, VIIIe s. a.C.– IIIe s. p.C. (eds. Locatelli, L., Piguet, E., Podestà, S.). Suppléments des Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne. Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté. 101–125. Anfosso_2021_Inscriptions_Néo-phrygiennes_Identité_Ethnique
––––. 2021. “’Entwining Greek with Asian Speech’: Studies on Timotheus of Miletus’ The Persians.” CHS Research Bulletin 9.
––––. 2021. “Le Phrygien : une langue balkanique perdue en Anatolie.” L’Anatolie: de l’époque archaïque à Byzance (eds. Egetmeyer, M., Lefèvre, F., Traina, G.). Suppléments des Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne n° 22. Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté. 37–65. Anfosso_2021_Phrygien_Langue_Balkanique_en_Anatolie
––––. 2020. “The Phrygians from Βρίγες to Φρύγες: Herodotus 7.73, or the Linguistic Problems of a Migration.” Proceedings of the 31st Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. November 8th and 9th, 2019 (eds. Goldstein, D. M., Jamison, S. W., Vine, B.). Tübingen: Helmut Buske Verlag. 17–35. Anfosso_2020_Phrygians_from_Bryges_to_Phryges
––––. 2019. “Greek and Phrygian Interactions in the Neo-Phrygian Inscriptions: a Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic Analysis.” Proceedings of the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. November 9th and 10th, 2018 (eds. Goldstein, D. M., Jamison, S. W., Vine, B.). Bremen: Hempen Verlag. 1–17. Anfosso_2019_Greek_and_Phrygian_Interactions
––––. 2019. Problèmes Linguistiques du Rapport entre Grec(s) et Phrygien(s). Ph.D. Dissertation, Sorbonne University, Paris.
––––. 2018. “I Frigi nell’universo tragico greco: riflessioni su una tragedia perduta di Eschilo.” The Forgotten Theatre. Mitologia, drammaturgia e tradizione del teatro frammentario greco-latino (eds. Austa, L., Carpanelli, F.). Alessandria: Edizioni Dell’Orso. 53–82. Anfosso_2018_Frigi_nell’Universo_Tragico_Greco
––––. 2018. “Dolci di Quaresima e di Pasqua in due proverbi di Jacurso (CZ).” Il Folklore d’Italia 2018/4. 30–32. Anfosso_2018_Dolci_Quaresima_Pasqua_Proverbi_Jacurso
––––. 2017. “Du grec au phrygien et du phrygien au grec : changements et mélanges de code dans les inscriptions néo-phrygiennes (Ier–IIIe siècles ap. J.-C.).” Le changement: conceptions et représentations dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. Camenulae 18. Anfosso_2017_Du_Grec_au_Phrygien_du_Phrygien_au_Grec
––––. 2014. “Anthony Kaldellis, Le discours ethnographique à Byzance. Continuité et rupture.” Medioevo Greco 14. 468–470. Anfosso_2014_Kaldellis_Discours_Etnographique_Byzance